7 weeks!

We're officially 7 weeks from the start of our journey! What? Wait? How did that suddenly happen??? Wasn't it JUST 6 months away? There is a huge to-do list, but I'm steadily knocking items off the list everyday. I am both a master procrastinator and a killer multitasker so luckily one off sets the other just a bit;) 

Emily is half way through all her vaccinations for the trip. She's finished her Rattlesnake series and next week we begin the Leptosporosis series. So far she has handled the shots like a champ, though she is no fan of going to the Vet and all these visits with pokes are not helping matters. 

Waiting for her last Rattlesnake Vaccine. 

Waiting for her last Rattlesnake Vaccine. 

I've almost completed all the gear purchases. Down to just a few items: umbrella, rain pants, a food bag and dry sack for my clothes. Yesterday I got the last of the big ticket items, my Garmin InReach, I worked long and hard to figure out ways to get all my gear as inexpensively as possible and this one was almost impossible to get a discount on. However a good friend and client works at REI and was kind enough to give me a Friends & Family coupon and woohoo it worked for the InReach. It took lots of patience and research but I was able to find discounts on almost every single gear item for this adventure! 

I'll be doing a post dedicated entirely to the gear we're bringing once I get the last of it together as well as a video! 

Emily's gear list is much smaller and lighter than mine:) Good thing since I have to carry it all.

Emily's gear list is much smaller and lighter than mine:) Good thing since I have to carry it all.

Training hike up to the top of Wagner Butte in the snow.

Training hike up to the top of Wagner Butte in the snow.

Between filling my work schedule as much as I can to make as much dough as I can before leaving and all our training miles there is little time for anything else. I'm working hard to get my body healthy and in shape before we begin. We hike every chance we get and on our days off do long mile days. I'm pretty lucky that we live right by the PCT so many of our training hikes are on the actual trail. I feel like I've turned a corner on my health! I've been on a food trigger elimination diet for a month and my head and neck are doing so much better. And that weight the steroids blessed me with has come back off. 

I still have my issues with certain things, but I've gotten pretty good at learning my way around and through them. I'm not about to let them get in my way of chasing this dream. I have been amazingly blessed with some incredibly supportive people in my life and these past few months have really showcased just how lucky I am to have these people in my life. 

If you are not already following us on Instagram and Facebook be sure to as I'll be doing most of our on the trail updates via Instagram and campaign updates on FB. (hit the buttons at the bottom of any page on the website and it will take you there.

Next up: FOOD! 


Two weeks!


Gearing up...